Equip Yourself with the Facts for Undecided Voters.
Donald Trump has been insulted, investigated, impeached x2, accused, indicted. Yet, he is still fighting and pulling ahead.
At a Republican caucus at Port Hudson, months ago, two Democrats said they would not vote for Joe Biden. They also said they didn’t want to vote for Trump. Conservatives are very likely to self-censor. We can make a decided difference if we engage congenially at every opportunity.
Anticipate comments like “He’s a dictator”.
Know the difference between revenge and justice. Revenge is retaliatory, vindictive. Justice is fair, correct treatment.
In the past Donald Trump has never gone after Hilary Clinton with the DOJ. He has never used the IRS as Obama did to go after Tea Party members. He has never gone after gun owners with SWAT teams like Biden did in Arkansas. He has never gone after parents at school board meetings with the FBI placing them on a watch list. He did not order the FBI embedded in Catholic churches.
Anticipate accusations that he’s a Russian asset. The supporting evidence:
Under Bush
Putin invaded the Republic of Georgia. Communists now control 20%.
Under Obama
Putin took Crimea after the Olympics.
Putin helped Basheer Assad in Syria, and thus got a warm water port.
Many American lives were lost in Afghanistan.
Couldn’t stop ISIS.
Under Trump Putin Took Nothing.
Zero lives were lost in Afghanistan in the last 18 months of Trump’s presidency.
Stopped ISIS.
Iran was crippled by sanctions, no Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis.
Under Biden Signs of weakness
He said in regard to Putin and Ukraine: as long as they don’t encroach much.
500 million lives are now lost. Russia gained a nuclear reactor plant and a land bridge to the black sea.
In the Afghan debacle, thirteen young Americans were killed.
Two Navy seals have been lost off the coast of Somalia.
Three American soldiers and 30 service members killed in remote outpost by a drone attack.
In Israeli slaughter, over 1200 were killed by Hamas in addition to the hostages. Hezbollah rockets have driven thousands of Israelis out of Northern Israel.
Critical shipping lanes have been interfered with in the Red Sea.
Hezbollah or Houthi rebels are destroying cable under Red Sea.
Anticipate accusations of Economy
Many small banks closed while Obama was President because of the Dodd Frank Act. This was a very lengthy and complicated federal mandate. Trump Reversed Dodd Frank.
Sixty percent of small businesses closed during Covid. Many had been in business for generations. And many have never reopened. This all plays into the ‘Deconstruct Strategy’ which then allows the government to build back into a Socialist/Globalist Society.
All are seeing the military age men coming over without women or children. Over 27 thousand Chinese Communist men have just walked in. Chinese cannot leave China without permission. It is suspected they are highly select with technical skills on specific assignments.
Women’s Security
Increase in murder, rape.
Men on women’s teams, girls severely injured. Testosterone blockers do not significantly reduce male bone structure, lung capacity, muscle mass.
Children’s Security in Schools
Gender reassignment
Pornography in libraries for all ages
Equity vs. Equality
Equity = Making all equal in abilities. For example, Seattle gifted classes have been eliminated labeling them racial. Lower functioning are being passed upward. The gifted and the slower both lose.
Equality = Doors are open to all.
Saul Alinsky wrote Rules for Radicals. Hilary Clinton did her thesis on this. It was Obama‘s methodology. This was the ‘deconstruct’ model. Alinsky dedicated his book to Lucifer.
Why Donald Trump!?
Because He Loves America!

Note on Israel
In 1948, after WWII the UN gave Great Britian the task of delineating the borders of a new nation for Israel. Israel has a population of 6 million. The 22 Arab nations surrounding Israel is 450 million and they have never wanted Israel to be there. (Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia will not take Palestinian refugees because they will not assimilate.)