We’ve been instructed by the Democrat-Media industrial complex to ignore what we see and hear and only listen to the wisdom they rain down upon us from on high. For example you might look at a live Biden interview and wonder how a dementia patient became president. If you think that you will be guilty of wrong-think. The White House spokesperson has instructed us that Joe is a healthy vigorous 80 year and he is totally able to perform at a high level.
So here is a list of wrong think traps we might fall into if we just believe our own senses.
John Fetterperson is totally able to function as a US Senator – to think otherwise is ableist
Sam Bankman-Fraud is a brilliant financier and a philanthropist – to think otherwise is partisan hackery
Wuhan Lab did not leak or release the virus – to think otherwise makes you a conspiracy nut
Obesity is a healthy lifestyle choice – to think otherwise is fat shaming
Covid shots are safe and effective – think otherwise only if you want granny to die
Hunter’s Laptop is disinformation – think otherwise you’re a Russian agent
J6 was not just a protest – think otherwise you’re an insurrectionist
Ivermectin is only for horses – think otherwise and you lose your medical license
Russia blew up their own pipeline – think otherwise you’re on Putin’s side.
The Scientific Method depends on consensus – think otherwise you’re a climate denier.
Gas Stoves are dangerous – think otherwise you want kids to get asthma
An intact man in a woman’s bathing suit is a woman – think otherwise you are a TERF
This list could go on and on and on. I will leave the rest up to you – please leave a comment.
I just want to leave you with this sobering fact, while the Democrat-media’s absurdity is laughable, they are a danger. Just look at the drive to create their “disinformation” enforcement board. In a future post let’s talk about the Global Engagement Center.
“You can resolve to live your life with integrity. Let your credo be this: Let the lie come into the world, let it even triumph. But not through me.” Solzhenitsyn