In 2017 my working hypothesis was that the FBI and Security agencies had broken the law with illegal surveillance of the Trump Campaign. They had to trump up the Russia Hoax in order to justify their own criminal activity. Since then we’ve seen FBI agents fired and arrested for various misdeeds related to the Russia Hoax.
In 2020 Russia, Russia, Russia was drowned out by Covid, Covid, Covid. I will admit that early in the pandemic I was frightened by the media hype. Luckily my wife began attending weekly meetings presented by the local health freedom alliance. Armed with accurate information, it became clear that our government was engaged in a psyop. Authoritarians became drunk on power and struck close to home. Dr Berry mandated vaxx passports just to enter a restaurant. The authoritarians not only suppressed promising Covid therapies and medications, but discussion of them was banned on every type of media or even in discussion with your family doctor. Discussion of the Covid origin or even the safety of the Covid Shot were banned. Now, in the post Twitter Files sunlight we see clearly that the “whole of government” was involved in a massive disinformation campaign.
In 2022 Covid, Covid, Covid was drowned out by Insurrection, Insurrection, Insurrection. Given the recent history of our government should we believe the insurrection narrative? First let’s ask the obvious questions. Since the government knew in advance of the J6 rally, why weren’t they prepared?Why were the Capitol Hill police never informed? Why didn’t Pelosi secure the Capitol and why did she refuse requests for the National Guard? Why were FBI provocateurs in the crowd stirring up a peaceful assembly?
To answer this we go to Working Hypothesis 2023:
The Insurrection was a brilliant parliamentary maneuver. They needed to prevent motion challenges demanding Congress look into voting irregularities and fraud. Even if the motions were voted down, they would have provided standing for the Supreme Court to hear the case. It was essential to remove that process and certify the election without any objection on record. They needed an emergency to keep objections off the House floor. The motions were legal and constitutional. Established procedures would require the house to pause the certification and vote on the motions. They could not allow that.
Once the Capitol Police notified the Speaker that the protesters had entered the Capitol, she suspended the business of Congress under emergency rules. Pelosi, Pence, Shumer and McConnell walked out together. Pelosi then initiated a new session under special emergency rules that made clear that no motions could be presented. The certification of the electors happened later that day by proxy voting. Democrats and Never-Trumpers needed the insurrection so they staged it with help from the FBI.

This is what the “Whole of Government” looks like.
I”ve been saying this very thing, since this happened. Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, PLANNED and ORCHESTRATED the entire charade, simply to cover for the fraudulent election. Sadly, NOBODY talks about this, anywhere! This fact, is HUGE, and needs to be aired!